We're Freshly Unbothered

Freshly Unbothered started as a joke that somehow spiralled wildly out of control and turned into a full-blown brand. We sell bracelets made of round, shiny gemstone beads because they look pretty and feel nice and make satisfying click-clacky sounds. They come with a story card that describes their magical powers*, and quips that poke fun at you. And at us. And at humanity’s condition in general because we’re probably all going to die in the AI apocalypse anyway if climate change doesn’t get us first.

In an effort to stop the world from going full dumpster fire, we donate a portion of our profits from every sale to charitable causes that actually do some good in the world. Read more about them and maybe feel slightly less terrible about the state of modern civilization.

Welcome to the beauty and absurdity of every day. Welcome to Freshly Unbothered.

We're glad you're here.

 *For legal purposes, this is a joke.

A woman with dark hair is smiling and wears a white shirt. The background is pink. She faces to the right, hands near her face, and wears several brightly coloured crystal gemstone bead bracelets.

Dampen the dumpster fire

Exhausted by the endless black hole of bad news? Us too. So we're using this little happy creative project of gemstone bracelets to dampen the dumpster fire.

Learn More
A black dog with a bright orange collar sits on the beach. His fur is wet from playing in the sea. He is smiling while he pants, his tongue sticking out. He is the most handsome, good boy in the whole world.

Employee of the month

We’re pleased to spotlight our employee of the month! He supervises all bracelet making, operations, and creative activities. His name is Charlie and he nominates himself, and wins, employee of the month, every month.

Boosting office morale, bringing a positive attitude, being soft and furry.

Areas for Improvement
Naps 80% of most days, whines between 2:00 and 3:00 PM until he is walked and given snacks, steals blankets from other FU HQ employees.